On Monday 28 January 2008 10:31 Ed Murphy wrote:
> Pavitra wrote:
> > Also, how can a currency's conversion limit be set to a nonzero value?
> > By its backing document? By the Accountor with Agoran Consent? And to
> > what value does it default?
> It defaults to not having any, hence the "if any" clause.  Currently,
> the only way it gets a value is when a contract is changed; if the
> contract has made it too easy to gain a currency, then the Accountor
> can adjust related conversion factors before the limit is lifted.

Ah, I see. In that case, I would suggest changing "the conversion limit of 
each currency backed by that contract is zero" to "each currency backed by 
that contract has a conversion limit of zero".

You are incredible, and changing the world is easy for you. I should 
have understood that from the start.

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