Murphy wrote:
>        A nomic is a system of rules that includes formal provisions for
>        general-purpose self-amendment.

I'm not sure that the rules themselves constitute the nomic. Is Agora
different from the Agora ruleset? Is either the SLR or the FLR in closer
identity than the other with the game of Agora? Or are the SLR and FLR
perhaps merely "formats" of an unwritten True Ruleset that is Agora?
Maybe you're right.

comex wrote:
> Nevertheless, a standard Nomic game that made one rule completely
> unamendable still deserves to be called a nomic.
I'm not sure I agree. The rest of the ruleset, taken as a whole, could still
qualify as nomic; the immutable rule would simply not be part of that nomic.
Consider the mailing lists that support Agora; even though Agora would not
run without them (well, it *could*, but *currently* we are depending on
them), no Agoran rule, ruling, or custom allows for them to be messed with
from within the game. Yet Agora exists and is nomic, dependent on them, yet
not containing them within its self-complete nomic nature.

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    Jennifer Hall

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