On Friday 08 February 2008 12:57 Zefram wrote:
>>> Be careful about the word "registered".  We've seen a recent case
>>> claiming that it can only refer to playerhood.
>> That was in fact what I meant.
> In that case I suggest that you clarify by expressing it as "protectorate
> that is also a player".  However, I don't think the definition is useful.

In that case R2174 should probably be amended as well.

I like the notion; it provides an interesting paradigm for inter-nomic
It would make a worthy project, I think, to domin-- er, unify the nomic world
under a single banner; and Agora is eminently the best choice to take up that
throne. How better to fulfill our R2147-acknowledged responsibility to
lead the nomic world?

Besides, the two-way power relationship of a protectorate with a voice in its
parent government is healthy and to be encouraged. One-way power of amendment
strikes me as unNomiclike.

>       A nomic is an entity defined by a set of explicit rules that
>       provides means for itself to be altered arbitrarily, including
>       changes to those rules which govern rule changes.

Then it's unclear whether it's the nomic or the ruleset that provides the

How about:

>       A nomic ruleset is a set of explicit rules that provides means
>       for itself to be altered arbitrarily, including changes
>       to those rules that govern rule changes. Not all rule changes need be
>       possible in one step; an arbitrarily complex combination of actions
>       (possibly including intermediate rule changes) can be required, so
>       long as any rule change is theoretically achievable in finite time.
>       A nomic is the single entity defined by a nomic ruleset as a whole.
>       Each nomic ruleset defines exactly one nomic, and each nomic is
>       defined by exactly one nomic ruleset.

(Disqualify, eg, Notes from being nomics.)

Long, but I think more readable than my last attempt. Note that "rule change"
is defined in R105.

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