Proto-Proposal:  Contract Changes, take two
(AI = 1.5, please)

[Zefram, root, you voted against the previous version of this; would
you support this revision?]

Amend Rule 1742 (Contracts) by replacing this text:

      A contract automatically terminates if the number of parties to
      it falls below the number of parties the rules require for the
      contract.  If other rules do not specify such a number for a
      contract, then a contract requires at least two parties.

with this text:

      A contract automatically terminates if the number of parties to
      it falls below the minimum number of parties specified by the
      rules for that contract.  If otherwise unspecified, this number
      is two.

Amend Rule 2197 (Defining Contract Changes) to read:

      The following are Contract Changes:

        a) Becoming a party to a contract.
        b) Ceasing to be a party to a contract.
        c) Amending a contract.
        d) Terminating a contract.

Amend Rule 2198 (Making Contract Changes) to read:

      Contract Changes CAN be performed by any of these methods:

        a) Using a mechanism by which the contract specifies that they
           CAN be performed.

        b) A person CAN become a party to a contract by announcement,
           unless the contract regulates becoming a party to it.

        c) By agreement between all parties to the contract, if the
           minimum number of parties for it is at least two.

        d) By a party without objection, if the minimum number of
           parties for it is less than two.

      However, the above notwithstanding, a Contract Change CANNOT be
      performed if any of the following is true:

        a) It would make a person a party to a contract against their

        b) It is ambiguous.

        c) Its permissibility cannot be determined with certainty
           when it is attempted.

Amend Rule 2191 (Pledges) by replacing this text:

      A pledge requires at least one party.

with this text:

      The minimum number of parties for a pledge is one.

Amend Rule 2136 (Contests) by replacing this text:

      A contest requires at least one party.

with this text:

      The minimum number of parties for a contest is one.

Amend Rule 2180 (Locations) by replacing this text:

      A location requires at least zero parties.

with this text:

      The minimum number of parties for a location is zero.

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