2008/5/9 Geoffrey Spear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Elliott Hird
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The Rebuttal of the Rebuttal:
>> I should not be found GUILTY because my religion -
>> Agoracontractian - requires me to make that contract, and
>> it is unreasonable to say that I could drop my religion to
>> avoid breaking the rules. Therefore, I plead EXCUSED.
>> The Agoracontractian Religion:
>> This religion has two commandments, given by God at the
>> beginning of time. These commandments MUST be obeyed
>> by its adherents. I am the only member of this religion.
> I'll decline to initiate another CFJ for violating Rule 2149 with
> these statements, but only because you're new here.
> --Wooble

I initiate a criminal CFJ against Wooble for violating Rule 101.

The last sentence of Rule 101 states: "Please treat Agora right good forever".

I hereby claim that alienating new players by insulting eir religion is not
a right good forever treatment of Agora, because it could cause players
to leave, among other things.


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