Near as I can tell, prerogative-awarding became restricted to players only 
on March 13.  Yet April and June assignments include Levi, deregistered in 

It didn't affect the "distribution" of the randomness of the other awards, 
and the awards were listed separately, from Murphy's (27 May) June awards:
   I award Default Officeholder to Levi.
   I award Default Justice to Murphy.
   I award Wielder of Veto to pikhq.
   I award Wielder of Rubberstamp to BobTHJ.

So I'm guessing just that Default Officeholder to Levi was invalid, though
(since we're no longer in the SHALL time window) Murphy can't award that
to root instead.  

Unless root wants to retroactively take the nickname Levi :).

Sorry if this was discussed before and I missed the thread.


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