OscarMeyr wrote:

> On Jun 29, 2008, at 7:51 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>> wrote:
>>> The werewolves kill ais523.
>>> The night phase ends; a new day phase begins.
>> And we still don't really have anything to go on.  ais523 knew that we
>> needed public voting, and e paid for it with eir life.
> Which is part of why I'm outside the game.  The format of Agora  
> Werewolf is currently that each Day only one player is considered for  
> lynching;

As noted, if the nominee is not lynched, then the day phase keeps going
and someone else can be nominated.

> there's no opportunity to watch people change their votes  
> around and see who they voted or unvoted for and when.

See above.  I implemented the contest based on the local F2F games,
where everyone votes simultaneously on the count of three, but I'm
fine with amending it to work differently next session (remind me
when the time comes):

I [will] intend, without objection, to amend the Werewolves contract
by replacing section 3 with this text:

3) At the start of each day phase, each townsperson's vote for who to
   lynch (not an Agoran decision) is initialized to null.  Each
   townsperson CAN change eir vote to any other townsperson, or to null,
   by announcement.  Whenever a majority of townspersons are voting for
   the same townsperson, that townsperson is lynched (killed); the
   contestmaster SHALL ASAP disclose whether e was a werewolf, the day
   phase ends, and a night phase begins.

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