On Mon, 30 Jun 2008, Zefram wrote:
> Alexander Smith wrote:
>> Well, in that case, I publically state that I did not have Internet access
>> during Agora's Birthday. This prevented me from participating in the fora
> So your personal circumstances have abridged your R101 right.  How naughty
> of them.  Of course, that's not a binding agreement or interpretation
> of Agoran law, so R101 does not forbid it from abridging your rights.

You could have participated by delegating the authority to someone else
(we used to do that on a regular basis) or by using RFC1149 directed at a 
fellow player authorized to send it on.  Many, many such reasonable methods 
are provided, so you were not limited any more so than when I use a
borrowed computer that happens to have a less-preferred browser for webmail.

That aside, I hope someone uses this to finally define "participate" in 
the sense of the fora.  The dictionary definition is so broad and non-
specific as to require context to make any sense.  For me, the definition 
is strict and limited to the ability to send messages via (not to) the fora, 
and receive from.  This specifically means we can't pass laws making the 
distributor ban players, and the distributor can't do it themselves, but 
it doesn't mean that action or inactions of message-sending are free from 
legal consequences.


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