On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Goethe wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2008, ais523 wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 10:43 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>>>> Fantasy Rule Catalyst:    Peter
>>>> Fantasy Rule Compulsion:  Zefram
>>>> Fantasy Rule Conspirator: OscarMeyr
>>>> Fantasy Rule Creator:     Murphy
>>> What was the Fantasy Rules Scam?
>> Murphy, would you like to write this up for "next month's" report?
>> If not, I will, that was next on my list anyway :)  -Goethe
> In August 2006, Goethe's Red Tape Repeals proposal refactored the
> the rules governing rule changes (594 for enactment, 1322 for
> modification, 2119 for repeal) into Rule 105 (Rule Changes),
> unintentionally omitting the power restriction for appeal.
> In January 2007, while answering a how-to question from Peter, Murphy
> noticed the loophole and began planning to exploit it.  Eir hand was
> forced when Zefram proposed a non-scam fix; Murphy quickly proposed a
> scam fix, then conspired to ensure that it passed and Zefram's failed:
>  * Murphy's win in December 2006 reset VLOPs to 1 per player.  Murphy
>    then gained 20 VCs for Proposals 4879-92, spending them equally on
>    OscarMeyr and Peter; all other players had a total VLOP of only 13.
>  * Then-Promotor OscarMeyr numbered and distributed Murphy's proposal
>    ahead of Zefram's, and then-Assessor Murphy announced results in
>    the same order.
>  * Peter didn't vote, but neither did many others.  Murphy, OscarMeyr,
>    and Zefram voted as expected, Michael voted AGAINST everything in
>    the batch, and Quazie voted PRESENT on everything in the batch.  The
>    scam barely made quorum (Wielder of Rubberstamp was held by Levi in
>    late January when the voting period began, and apparently Murphy
>    forgot to assign it for February when it ended).

Was I part of that scam?  Or was i just interested in seeing something
intersting happen?

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