On Mon, 11 Aug 2008, Charles Reiss wrote:
> I'm not sure if it is either, but if you go the pragmatic route (which
> is a good idea given the extreme annoyance of finding something was
> never a person, which likely distorts the jurisprudence on devolving
> obligations in the first place), 

We really don't know whether the *current* system is platonic or
pragmatic.  We had a couple cases where it was "obvious" that the text
of a contract didn't devolve responsibilities (and therefore wasn't).

We haven't had a case where a partnership text generally claimed to 
devolve responsibility, but then failed to and was brought to court for
it.  The only instances involving the AFO were subject to "out-of-court" 
settlements before a precedent was set.  So it's not clear to me (under 
the current rules) whether the "it was never a partnership" argument 
would win over the "it claims to be a partnership, so we can impose the 
following equity settlement".  At the moment, a main obstacle in the 
latter course is just Standing.


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