On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 8:49 AM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Aug 2008, Ed Murphy wrote:
>> Goethe wrote:
>>> In this case, all demotions failed, as BobTHJ would have had to demote
>>> a Beta first.  (I think once you do skip a step, everything after that is
>>> platonically blocked because the CAN implied with the SHALL is pegged
>>> to doing things in order, if you do it out of order, you no longer CAN).
>>> Agreements/disagreements with this interpretation?
>> Agreed, but e CAN pick up where e left off.  (But does SHALL
>> successfully imply CAN?  The rule never says "by announcement".)
> Ooh, I forgot that the SHALL -> CAN judgement depends on it being
> SHALL "by announcement".  So none of it is possible?  (I agree with you
> on otherwise e could pick up where e left off).
> Can the fix to this be pragmatized, e.g. e CAN do it all the time or
> any time and it works, but if e doesn't follow the SHALL guidelines
> e breaks the Rule AND has to re-do things to fix it.
So, can anyone explain to me what is going on and what I need to do
using two syllable words or less?


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