On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 11:55 -0400, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> [Would require an unambiguous specification of identity so that "I am
> a current player" sent anonymously wouldn't work.  Also generalizes to
> when message was sent instead of specifying the date stamp, which
> follows current precedent (the "Date:" header is usually accepted as
> the time an action occurred unless it's clearly lying, in which case
> an appropriate Received: header is used; I believe this wording more
> accurately reflects our practice, which arguably violates the letter
> of the rule if we don't currently allow forged Date: headers to
> control timing. At best, "time date-stamped" is ambiguous since every
> message has multiple times stamped on it by various machines.)]
Would the X-Date-Stamp header count? (I put the wrong year on, but I may
as well test the rule before you fix it. Wishing Agora a happy birthday
the instant it was created seems like an appropriate test, anyway.)

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