On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 12:12 -0400, Sgeo wrote:
> > Name: pledge #53
> > Contest: false
> > Publicity: private
> > Pledge: true
> > Parties: Sgeo
> > Contestmaster: none
> > Text: {{{
> > This is a pledge, and a public contract. I pledge not to make any game
> > relevant actions for 5 days, beginning after I first go on hold after
> > publication of this pledge, This pledge terminates itself the instant
> > it ceases to pose obligations on me not to make game relevant actions.
> > This pledge may be terminated by any player With 2 Support.
> > }}}
> CoE: The above pledge self-terminated.

No it didn't, it's a public contract. They can't self-anything unless
someone announces it. So in other words your CoE is self-fulfilling. I'm
glad I don't have to accept or deny that one, I'm not sure which would
be correct...

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