On Thu, 2008-10-09 at 15:06 +0100, ehird wrote:
> On 9 Oct 2008, at 14:59, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> > I withdraw my intent to appeal, and submit the following proposal:
> >       Whereas these rules serve only to further scams,
> >       Rules 2192 and 2193 are hereby repealed.
> They are used for scams != they are only for scams
Actually, the spirit of the rules seems to have been to add enough
random stuff to the ruleset that eventually something interesting would
happen. Now it has, it may be a good idea to repeal them. What do other
people think? If there's enough immediate support for destroying the
Monster, I'll just create a bootstrap rule and use it to destroy the
Monster, no proposals needed.

Maybe we should export the Monster to another nomic instead to cause
havoc there rather than here. What would people here say to trying to
get it into B Nomic's ruleset?

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