On Sunday 12 October 2008 07:20:23 pm Ed Murphy wrote:
> Change the title of Rule 1950 to "Voting on Senate Decisions", and
> amend it by replacing each instance of "democratic decision" with
> "Senate decision", and by prepending this paragraph:
>       Each first-class player represents a state in the Senate.
> Change the title of Rule 2156 to "Voting on House Decisions", and
> amend it by replacing each instance of "ordinary decision" with
> "House decision", and by prepending this paragraph:
>       Each player represents a number of districts in the House.

This could be taken to imply avatar theory.

In general, I'm not a huge fan of this particular theme (I didn't like 
The Republic of Agora either).

"Alderman" breaks the long-running Agoran tradition of gender 
neutrality (at least in the Rules proper -- certain contracts follow 
the B tradition). I'd rather call it City Elder or something.

All in all, I'd much rather just rename "ordinary" to something 
like "oligarchical" or "aristocratic".


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