On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 7:19 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> warrigal wrote:
>>     for line in open('C:\\Documents and
>> Settings\\Peggy\\Desktop\\agora taxonomy raw.txt'):
> And what's in that file, then?

Stuff of this format:


ais523  167     0       5544, 5562, 5595, 5603, 5604, 5625, 5638, 5658, 5663, 
5664, 5668
Pavitra 107     24      5505, 5542, 5548, 5562, 5566, 5574, 5576, 5578, 5591,
5592, 5600, 5620, 5622, 5638, 5646, 5711
Murphy  96      29      5545
Wooble  92      43      5604, 5617, 5656, 5658, 5659, 5660, 5661, 5662, 5663,
5664, 5665, [...]


And guess where I got this data.

--Warrigal, "Data"-Abusor of Escher

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