AI: 2
II: 1
Replace the text of R2156 with:
The eligible voters on an ordinary decision are those entities
      that were active players at the start of its voting period.  The
      voting limit of an eligible voter on an ordinary decision is eir
      Luck at the start of its voting period, or half that (rounded
      up) if the voter was in the chokey at that time.

The default Luck of a first class player is 1. The default Luck of all
other players is 0. Changes to Luck are secured.

Rename R2211 to "Luck" and replace its text with:
The Grand Poobah is an office; Its holder is responsible for calling
lotto words.

Lotto Tickets are a class of asset. Each Lotto Ticket has exactly one
number corresponding to the number of a current rule in the ruleset.
Lotto Tickets with the same number are fungible.

Draft Cards are a class of fixed asset. Each Draft Card has exactly
one number corresponding to the number of a current rule in the
ruleset. Draft Cards with the same number are fungible. Draft Cards
CAN NOT be destroyed except as specified by the rules.

As soon as possible after the beginning of each week the Grand Poobah
SHALL randomly select a rule. For each Lotto Ticket corresponding to
that rule's number the Poobah CAN and SHALL increment its owner's Luck
by 1, then destroy that Ticket. For each Draft Card corresponding to
that rule's number the Poobah CAN and SHALL set its owner's Luck to 0,
then destroy all Draft Cards owned by that player.

Once each week, each player CAN award one Lotto Ticket of a number of
eir choice to another player by announcement.

In R2126, under the list of ways Notes can be spent, replace items 1-4 with:
(1) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a major chord to create two
Lotto Tickets and one Draft Card with the numbers of eir choice each
in the possession of a different player.

(2) A player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of a major scale
to create four Lotto Tickets and one Draft Card with the numbers of
eir choice in the possession of any one player.

(3) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a minor chord to destroy
one Draft Card in another player's possession.

(4) A player can spend five Notes forming the start of a minor scale
to destroy one Draft Card in eir possession.


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