Proto in 2247 [controverial?]:

  The contract in question defines the Notary as the recordkeepor of
  Pains, but then places all of the standard duties, abilities, and
  record locations that a recordkeepor would need on a party (ehird).

  For contracts, we govern by the spirit and not the direct language,
  here there is a conflict; the recordkeepor is defined as the notary,
  but the recordkeepor as de-facto defined by duties and abilities
  is ehird.  

  I find that the spirit of the contract as written is that ehird is
  the true recordkeepor for Pains.  FALSE.

  [Less controversial:  while the Notary might be the recordkeepor,
  there is nothing that requires weekly reports of the records in
  question, or indeed places any time requirements on reporting.


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