BobTHJ wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 07:18, Alex Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Presumably the idea is that high-rank cases would be more difficult,
>> complicated and time-consuming to judge, whereas low-rank cases would be
>> for typical CFJspam. The problem now is for people to decide which cases
>> are important, hard to judge, and landmark-setting, and which ones are
>> just spam; everyone thinks their own CFJs are important, often...
>> --
> I personally dislike judging the spammy CFJs with little or no effect
> on the game, but enjoy judging those CFJs which are truly
> controversial. Under such a system I would prefer to only judge cases
> with interest level > 1. NOTE: I have been criticized for expressing
> this preference in the past.

If this passes, then I'll generally assign high-II cases first and
assign high-JR players to those cases first (similar to current
practice with criminal/equity cases and hanging judges), so you
would have at least a somewhat better shot of getting what you want.

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