Elysion wrote:

> On Mon, 17 Nov 2008 09:03:20 -0800
> Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> root wrote:
>>> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 1:30 AM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I intend, with 2 support, to make Proposals 5956 and 5962 democratic.
>>> I support.  With 2 support, I make Proposals 5956 and 5962 democratic,
>>> if possible.
>> I issue a claim of error against the-AFO-via-comex's purported
>> resolution of 5962, as it misreported my vote.  (comex, you typoed
>> and bought my vote on 5952 instead of 5962.)
>> I didn't spot any similar errors with 5956 (i.e. the only point of
>> contention is how many of ehird's votes were valid), but others are
>> invited to double-check and make sure.
> Rule 2034/4 (Vote Protection and Cutoff for Challenges)
> [snip]
>       Once an Agoran decision has been resolved, votes on it CANNOT be
>       validly submitted or retracted, and its outcome CANNOT be
>       changed in any way, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.  This
>       does not prevent correcting errors in reporting its resolution.
> The only argument I can see around that is to argue that a substantially and 
> deliberately incorrect attempted resolution fails to satisfy 208(c), and thus 
> the Agoran decisions on proposals 5956 and 5962 have not been resolved.

If the results were incorrect (even accidentally), then it falls afoul
of 208(c) and thus isn't a resolution.  The point of self-ratification
is to legitimize purported resolutions with errors minor enough that
they go undetected.

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