Rule 101 (power 1):

"The rules may define persons as having certain rights. Defining
rights is secured. No interpretation of any rule or binding agreement
may substantially limit or remove a person's defined rights, except
through the explicit and legal amendment of this rule. This rule takes
precedence over any rule which would allow or mandate restrictions of
the rights contained herein.

Every actor has the right, though not necessarily the ability, to
perform actions that are not prohibited or regulated by the Rules,
with the sole exception of changing the Rules, which is permitted only
when the Rules explicitly or implicitly permit it.

Every actor has the right to initiate a formal process to resolve
matters of controversy, in the reasonable expectation that the
controversy will thereby be resolved.

Every actor has the right to refuse to become party to a binding
agreement. The absence of a person's explicit, willful consent shall
be considered a refusal.

Every actor has the right to not be considered bound by an agreement,
or an amendment to an agreement, which e has not had the reasonable
opportunity to review.

Every agent has the right of participation in the fora.

Every actor has the right to not be penalized more than once for any
single action or inaction."

Rule 102 (power 1):

"These rules and the things they define constitute a nomic known as
the Lantern of Athens."

Rule 103 (power 1):

"The power of an entity is a non-negative rational number no greater
than the power of this rule. No entity with power below the power of
this rule can cause an entity to have power greater than its own,
adjust the power of an instrument with power greater than its own, or
modify any other substantive aspect of an instrument with power
greater than its own, including by taking precedence over such an
instrument. If the power of an entity would be set to a rational
number higher than the power of this rule, this rule instead promotes
itself to that power, then the power change described takes place. "To
self-promote" means "to promote oneself to the power of Rule 103
whenever the power of Rule 103 changes". The set of self-promoting
rules SHOULD be as restricted and simple as possible while still
remaining sufficient to make arbitrary changes to the Lantern."

Rule 104 (power 1):

"The Speaker for the first game shall be Michael Norrish."

Rule 105 (power 1):

"Any player can cause this rule to make a change to the rules with the
consent of 3/4 of all other players. This rule self-promotes."

Rule 106 (power 1):

"A rule can govern the Lantern generally, to the extent that this
power is not limited by other rules. The Rulekeepur is an office whose
weekly duties include publishing a list of rules."

Rule 107 (power 1):

"If a rule uses a term defined by a higher-powered rule, it should be
interpreted as defined by the higher-powered rule. Otherwise, the term
should be interpreted as having its ordinary meaning, deferring to
equal- and lower-powered rules when there is no good reason not to."

Rule 108 (power 1):

"A person is any biological entity generally capable of sending email
in English. An actor is a person or partnership. Any actor can become
or cease to be an agent by announcement. All person agents are
players. Defining something to be a player is secured. The weight of a
person is 1. The weight of a partnership is the number of person
members it has."

Rule 109 (power 1):

"The rules may define offices. Defining offices is secured. Each
office is either vacant or held by an officer. Any officer can act on
behalf of its office. An office's obligations devolve onto its
officer. Any officer can cause any office e holds to become vacant at
will. If the rules define periodic duties for an office, the office
shall perform them every period. If an office was able obligated to
perform an action but the time limit on the obligation timed out, any
agent can act on behalf of the office to perform the action. Any
person can cause an office to be held by an agent at will with the
consent of more than half of all agents. The Iadop is an office whose
weekly duties include publishing a list of offices and their

Rule 110 (power 1):

"An agent's VLOD is a non-negative integer; when an actor becomes an
agent, eir VLOD is set to four times eir weight. Any agent can submit
a proposal at will, specifying a title, a chamber (either Ordinary or
Democratic), and a body. Afterward, all agents can vote FOR and
AGAINST at will. An agent cannot vote a number of times greater than
eir VLOD on an Ordinary proposal, or a number of times greater than
eir weight on a Democratic proposal. One week after a proposal is
submitted, if it had more FOR votes than AGAINST votes, its power is
set to the ratio of FOR votes to AGAINST votes (limited to 2 if the
proposal is Ordinary, and to the power of Rule 103 in all cases), and
its body takes effect."

Rule 111 (power 1):

"Contracts and rules may define assets, which are entities that can be
owned by actors. The contract or rule defining an asset is its backing
document. Actors can transfer assets at will, as allowed by the
backing document. Notes are an asset. If the rules define periodic
duties for an office, the officer gains a note every period in which
the office completes those duties. Any agent can at will destroy 3 of
eir notes to increase eir VLOD by 1. The Accountur is an office whose
weekly duties include publishing a list of assets and their owners."

Rule 112 (power 1):

"A contract is a document that has been agreed to by at least one
actor. An actor can agree to a document by announcement, making em a
party to that contract, unless the contract says otherwise. Contracts
can cause actors to cease to be parties to them as they specify.
Contracts can specify ways for parties to them to become or cease to
be members of them; however, an actor cannot become a member of
multiple contracts. A contract with at least one member is a
partnership, and can send public messages as it specifies. The Notary
is an office whose weekly duties include publishing a list of
contracts and their parties and members."

Rule 113 (power 1):

"A public message is any message sent to a public forum. Publishing
something is defined as sending it in a public message. "At will"
means "by publishing a statement that e does so, or as a contract e is
a party to prescribes, except as prohibited by a contract e is a party
to". "By announcement" means "by publishing a statement that e does

How pointless is this, how full-of-holes is this, and how obvious is
it that I cut the first few rules out of pieces of Agoran rules but
then started writing them myself?


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