On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 08:52, Alex Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I CFJ on the statement "The Ambassador CAN flip Wooble's Recognition to
> Friendly without objection.".
> Arguments: This is really about whether Wooble is a nomic or not,
> phrased such that I have a miniscule chance of a random Win by Paradox.
> A nomic ruleset is defined as follows:
> {{{
>      A nomic ruleset is a set of explicit rules that provides means
>      for itself to be altered arbitrarily, including changes to those
>      rules that govern rule changes. Not all rule changes need be
>      possible in one step; an arbitrarily complex combination of
>      actions (possibly including intermediate rule changes) can be
>      required, so long as any rule change is theoretically achievable
>      in finite time.
> }}}
> and nomics are defined by nomic rulesets.

CFJ 1860 is the pre-that-defintion precedent on this matter and may be

Uncertainty concerning scientific matters related to this question
makes UNDETERMINED an appropriate judgment.


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