woggle wrote:

>>        a) The Rules Committee, consisting of the Rulekeepor, the
>>             Promotor, the Assessor, the Grand Poobah, the Speaker,
>>             and the Anarchist.
> I think the speaker would be a better fit in administration.

The Speaker is included here because e can affect caste shuffling.

>>        e) The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee,
>>             consisting of the Notary and the Liaison of each
>>             subsidized contract.
> and each registered partnership?

Sure, why not.

>>      If a committee would otherwise have less than five members, then
>>      a player CAN spend any 5-M of eir Notes (where M is its number of
>>      members) to become a member of it.
> This shouldn't be permanent (at least if the committee comes to naturally have
> more than 5 members for an extended period of time). Perhaps the above
> members are "chartered members" of the committee, and non-chartered members
> resets if there are 5 chartered members at the beginning of a week.

I thought about that, but it'd be more complicated.  Someone can
add it after this passes.

> Also (5-M) arbitrary notes isn't very musical... Augmented chord?
> Pentatonic scale?

Pentatonic scale sounds good.

>> Create a rule titled "Subsidized Contracts" with Power 2 and this text:
>>      Subsidy is a public contract switch with values Unsubsidized
>>      (default) and Subsidized.
> Changes secured at what power? (if not 2, then why a power 2 rule?)

Hmm, not sure yet.

>> Assign the following rules to the Rules Committee:
>>  * 1450 (Separation of Powers)
> Administration committee?


> Also:
> * 879 (Quorum)
> * 1698 (Agora Is A Nomic)

I'm trying to keep the initial assignments minimal; the committees can
wrangle over further assignments on their own.  I should probably take
1450 out, too.

>> Assign the following rules to the Administration Committee:
> * 2019 (Prerogatives)?

Those are tied to MwP, not offices.

>> Assign the following rules to the Judiciary Committee:
>>  * 2169 (Equity Cases)
> I think this is better assigned to SBaE, as it greatly affects the
> character of contracts.

Dual assignment makes sense here.  Also, the criminal stuff could be
assigned to a separate committee, with the CotC on the inquiry one
and the Justiciar (whose historical duties have famously included
"hot and cold running justice") on the criminal one.

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