I have the following proposed rules for a new BF Joust tournament.  Please let 
me know what you think; in particular, should certain subsets of these be
used (or all of them)?  If you have a few minutes to consider interactions
between them, so much the better.

(a) Enable location detection.  Tournament cell array is 257 spaces long and 
initialized with location from center (0-127 on each side).  128 is initial
value of center post and two flags.

(b) Flags are placed on any square on a side between 1 and 127 (guarantees
at least one cell between flags, between flag and edge, otherwise any
distance possible).

(c) Run off edge doesn't lose, just bumps against edge.  Enables attacks
to be set up from either side.  (option c.1) Running off the edge loops 
(circular track).

(d) change definition of > < to jump (N+1) where N is value of cell.
If on a cell of 0, '>>>>>' is replaced with '++++>'.  May interact badly
with (a).  This enables direct interference with opponents' code without
changing flavor of BF coding too much.  

(e) Start pointed on edge (know absolute location but don't know location 
of your own flag) versus start on flag (know location of your own flag but
don't know distance to edge).


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