On Tue, 2009-03-03 at 15:48 +0100, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
> How active is another nomic required to be for Agora to recognize it?
> I am thinking of two nomics, first the Einos found here:
> (http://einos-nomic.blogspot.com/) which already has the "We submit to
> Agora as our benevolent protector" rule in its ruleset, and secondly
> the Nomic in the Forum Games section of xkcd's fora, here:
> (http://forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=35089). What would happen
> if I submitted proposals about flipping these two to Recognition:
> Neutral?

I've intended to make Einos a protectorate twice. The first time, it got
overwhelming support and I forgot to resolve the intent; the second
time, there was not a single vote either way so I couldn't resolve it.
I'll try a third time if people are paying attention.

As for the more general question, anyone else have any input? I don't
really think a unilateral decision would be in Agora's best interests


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