comex wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Ed Murphy <> wrote:
>>  4) The distribution of a proposal is a point-worthy event (counting
>>     at most 5 proposals per author per week) for the X axis.
> Huh?  So distributions are counted only if they have at least one
> non-excess proposal?

Each proposal in a batch is a separate event.

>>  5) The initiation of a judicial case is a point-worthy event
>>     (counting at most 5 proposals per initiator per week) for the
>>     Y axis.
> *case.  Seems too easy to game, IMO.  The 5 case limit prevents it
> from being very easily gamed, but a guess of 6 CFJs, say, will be
> correct most weeks if you call the difference in spam cases before the
> end.

Even with multiple contestants capable of gaming it?  I considered
withdrawing my agreement and re-posting with a AAA-style "contestants
SHALL NOT submit spam proposals / cases", but let's see how it plays
out as is.

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