Proto-Proposal, AI 2.1, "Committees 2.0": In Rule 1681, replace: Rules are assigned to, ordered within, or moved between categories, and categories are added, changed, or empty categories removed, as the Rulekeepor sees fit. with: Rules are assigned to or ordered within categories as the Rulekeepor sees fit.
Create a rule titled "Committees" with Power 2.1 and this text: If this rule defines a committee corresponding to a given category of the Short Logical Ruleset, and the committee has at least 3 members, then any member of the committee CAN submit a Proposal, the scope of which is limited to amending rules within that category, as Passed by Committee with the Support of all of the other members of the committee. Each member of the relevant committee at the time the Agoran Decision on whether to adopt a Passed by Committee proposal is initiated has a default voting limit on that decision of 2, if the proposal is Democratic, or twice eir caste at the start of its voting period if the proposal is Ordinary, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. The following committees are defined, with the corresponding charter positions: a) Committee on the Game of Agora: Speaker, Tailor, Ministers Without Portfolio, First Speaker Michael b) Committee on Rules: Rulekeepor, Anarchist, Promotor, Assessor c) Committee on Players: Registrar, Herald, Insulator d) Committee on Definitions: Accountor, Promotor, Registrar e) Committee on Offices: IADoP, each player with a Cyan Ribbon f) Committee on Agoran Decisions: Promotor, Assessor, IADoP g) Committee on Proposals: Promotor, Assessor, Grand Poobah, Conductor h) Committee on Adjudication: CotC, Justiciar, Insulator, all Standing or Sitting players with a judicial rank of Supreme i) Committee on Patent Titles and Degrees: Herald, all players with an Indigo Ribbon, all players who bear a Heroic title j) Committee on Contract Law: Notary, Scorekeepor, all registered partnerships, all contestmasters k) Committee on Foreign Relations: Ambassador, all provinces, the Speaker l) Committee on Trophies: Chuck Carroll, Peter Suber, Goethe, Steve, Murphy, root, and OscarMeyr While an active player holds one or more charter positions for a committee, e is a charter member of that committee. When a charter member of a committee ceases to hold any charter positions for that committee, or ceases to be an active player, e ceases to be a member of that committee. While a committee's number of charter members (CM) is less than five, a non-member CAN spend any 5-CM of eir Notes forming consecutive tones of a pentatonic scale to become a non-charter member of that committee. While a committee's number of members is more than five, its non-charter member that has been one for the longest continuous period of time ceases to be a member. The IADoP's report includes the membership of each committee. Assign each rule to the category in the SLR it had at 26 Apr 2009 18:00:00 UTC, or its current category if it was not in a category at that time.