2009/4/28 Geoffrey Spear <geoffsp...@gmail.com>:
> But on top of the Badges of MSM and Failure, now we get 13 new classes
> of currencies that are somehow fungible but you can't know what kind
> you own?  I'll let someone else track them.  I already get my note per
> month for Tailor.

Yeah, that's a really bad idea.  In any case, I'm surprised that a new
contract was made; usually when contracts are published, other people
go ahead and join them and there's no chance to make some
modifications before every change has to be scrutinized by a
without-objection mechanism.  Even here, though, it would be nice if
contracts (which tend to be very complex) were preceded by protos,
where a proper amount of time could be spent reviewing them.  (Have
you ever tried reading the Vote Market contract?)

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