On Tue, 2009-05-05 at 12:37 -0700, Ed Murphy wrote:
> Pavitra wrote:
> > I disagree, and I not-support the intent. Judge comex assigned judgement
> > on time, thus making the judgement an on-time judgement; Murphy then
> > published that on-time judgement by (re)posting it to a public forum.
> > The judgement does not become late simply by Murphy's quoting it.
> It was on-time wrt comex; its on-time-ness is undefined wrt me.  What if
> comex re-published it during the following week?  (Tiger's fix proposal
> would also fix that situation, of course.)

Yet more fun: suppose a player publishes a judgement within the 72 hours
after a Holiday, and the case was assigned to them over a week
beforehand. Is that on time?


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