On Mon, 2009-05-11 at 07:48 -0700, Rodlen wrote:
> > I have found no record of any Quazie pledge on the fifth of May.
> So far, that is.

Whoops, looks like I screwed up the statement of the CFJ.

<http://agora-notary.wikidot.com/2009-05-05-quazie> is a pledge Quazie
made on May 5; the one I meant to ask about was
<http://agora-notary.wikidot.com/deleted:2008-05-01-quazie>, which was
on May 1, not May 5. (That'll teach me to play nomic when chronically
tired...) Note that the 2008 in the URL there was a typo I made when
originally entering it, the pledge was actually made in 2009.

This CFJ just looks like a rather trivial TRUE, therefore, because I
asked the wrong question.


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