Ian Kelly wrote:
> On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Proto: Canon
>> Add the following text to some rule or another:
>> � � �Canon is a player switch tracked by the Conductor. �The possible
>> � � �values of Canon are the set of all finite-length sequences of
>> � � �pitches. �The default value is the empty sequence. �A player CAN
>> � � �flip eir Canon by announcement.
>> � � �At the beginning of each month, the Key of each player with a
>> � � �non-empty Canon is flipped to the first pitch of eir Canon, and
>> � � �eir Canon is then flipped to the sequence obtained by rotating
>> � � �the first pitch of eir Canon to the end.
> By the way, I don't intend to actually propose this; I just thought it
> was a cute idea.  If anybody wants to claim it in order to tweak /
> propose it, feel free.

It's a neat idea, but it needs a compelling reason for people to
actually use it.

A Voice is a finite-length sequence of pitches. If there are at least as
many players as Voices, then the Conductor CAN and SHALL create a Voice
by announcement. The Conductor CAN create or destroy a Voice without 3
objections. The Conductor's monthly report includes a list of all Voices.

Canon is a player switch tracked by the Conductor with possible values
of Null (default) and all Voices. A player CAN flip eir Canon to any
Voice, provided that e has not done so already this month and that no
other player's Canon is set to that Voice.

At the beginning of each week, the Key of each player with a non-empty
Canon is flipped to the first pitch of eir Canon, and eir Canon is then
altered by rotating the first pitch to the end.

[While writing this, I realized that 'score' and 'instrument' are
defined. Can we play with that somehow?]

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