I wonder if I can make a thesis out of this.

CFJ arguments: word count
who                      num  avg
Levi                     5    22.2
Sgeo                     13   27.61
ehird                    72   39.43
Rodlen                   7    48.85
Taral                    140  56.35
Yally                    21   59.85
pikhq                    38   60.76
GreyKnight               6    63.0
Tiger                    12   68.41
Quazie                   30   70.86
cmealerjr                9    70.88
Murphy                   295  75.50
pTang                    7    76.0
BobTHJ                   70   79.72
OscarMeyr                132  85.72
Tom                      55   88.96
Pakaran                  5    89.0
Human Point Two          9    92.88
coppro                   33   93.69
Wooble                   155  106.6
RedKnight                11   113.3
woggle                   91   119.2
comex                    165  119.5
Peekee                   14   124.7
Sherlock                 10   136.7
root                     198  137.8
Iammars                  16   153.6
Crito                    22   158.2
lee                      10   171.9
Michael                  20   185.1
Manu                     10   186.2
Pavitra                  30   186.4
Sir Toby                 28   193.5
The Hanging Judge        8    206.5
Goethe                   297  208.9
Lindrum                  5    212.2
Syllepsis                8    214.0
Wes                      14   222.5
Maud                     29   223.6
Zefram                   82   231.8
Elysion                  25   237.7
Oerjan                   10   243.9
Kelly                    12   272.0
ais523                   201  274.8
t                        8    290.5
Steve                    55   320.8
Chuck                    9    325.2
Blob                     7    354.2
Pineapple Partnership    9    403.8
solublefish              5    691.6

CFJ arguments: count
who                      num
Morendil                 1
neil                     1
Vanyel                   1
c-walker                 1
Tim                      1
bd_                      1
Primo Corporation        1
Cainech                  1
Palnatoke                1
favor                    1
Hillary Rodham Clinton   1
Coren                    1
w1n5t0n                  1
elJefe                   1
KoJen                    1
Billy Pilgrim            1
Stuart                   1
Craig                    1
j                        1
Peter                    1
loh                      2
Razl                     2
harblcat                 2
AFO                      2
Riail                    2
Hooloovoo                3
Ziggy                    3
Cecilius                 3
Kolja                    4
Evantine                 4
Andre                    4
solublefish              5
Pakaran                  5
Levi                     5
Lindrum                  5
GreyKnight               6
Blob                     7
pTang                    7
Rodlen                   7
Syllepsis                8
The Hanging Judge        8
t                        8
Pineapple Partnership    9
Human Point Two          9
Chuck                    9
cmealerjr                9
Manu                     10
Oerjan                   10
lee                      10
Sherlock                 10
RedKnight                11
Kelly                    12
Tiger                    12
Sgeo                     13
Wes                      14
Peekee                   14
Iammars                  16
Michael                  20
Yally                    21
Crito                    22
Elysion                  25
Sir Toby                 28
Maud                     29
Quazie                   30
Pavitra                  30
coppro                   33
pikhq                    38
Tom                      55
Steve                    55
BobTHJ                   70
ehird                    72
Zefram                   82
woggle                   91
OscarMeyr                132
Taral                    140
Wooble                   155
comex                    165
root                     198
ais523                   201
Murphy                   295
Goethe                   297

CFJs called: count
who                      num
Morendil                 1
gwen                     1
Swann                    1
Evantine                 1
Pineapple Partnership    1
0x44                     1
pTang                    1
Pakaran                  1
Palnatoke                1
Hillary Rodham Clinton   1
Agora's Child            1
lee                      1
Ziggy                    1
w1n5t0n                  1
Grech                    1
Nameless                 1
Blaise Pascal            1
cmealerjr                1
Andre                    1
t                        1
AFO                      1
Kolja                    2
avpx                     2
Crito                    2
Hooloovoo                2
Tiger                    2
Chuck                    2
Blob                     3
Manu                     3
Iammars                  3
WALRUS                   3
Oerjan                   3
RedKnight                4
Razl                     4
Cecilius                 4
Blaise                   5
Elysion                  5
Rodlen                   5
Wes                      7
Kelly                    7
Sherlock                 8
Syllepsis                9
Cainech                  9
Pavitra                  9
Levi                     10
OscarMeyr                10
Steve                    10
Yally                    11
neil                     12
Sgeo                     12
Sir Toby                 13
Maud                     15
woggle                   16
coppro                   22
Peekee                   23
Taral                    23
Craig                    25
pikhq                    26
BobTHJ                   30
Quazie                   40
Tom                      53
Wooble                   57
Zefram                   67
ehird                    71
root                     87
ais523                   99
comex                    136
Goethe                   146
Murphy                   170

authored proposals: word count
who               num  avg
Tiger             22   40.40
Taral             14   42.64
Goddess Eris      8    47.12
avpx              8    47.25
Bayes             20   48.25
ihope             20   59.35
Quazie            36   59.36
Elysion           8    63.37
ehird             10   71.1
OscarMeyr         15   76.8
Levi              15   82.06
comex             114  83.5
Yally             20   88.0
ais523            73   97.0
Sgeo              12   97.25
woggle            17   99.58
Wooble            45   105.3
Pavitra           24   107.1
root              76   124.5
pikhq             18   134.6
Zefram            185  137.7
Murphy            410  146.6
coppro            36   149.3
AFO               17   158.5
BobTHJ            37   197.5
Goethe            100  279.7

authored proposals: AI
who               num  avg
pikhq             18   1.344
Levi              15   1.533
BobTHJ            37   1.572
Yally             20   1.7
Quazie            36   1.747
Bayes             20   1.75
Goddess Eris      8    1.75
Tiger             22   1.818
Zefram            185  1.824
OscarMeyr         15   1.866
Wooble            45   1.902
Taral             14   1.907
root              76   1.914
Goethe            100  1.939
ais523            73   1.947
woggle            17   1.952
comex             114  1.964
Murphy            410  1.971
Sgeo              12   1.975
ihope             20   1.98
avpx              8    2.0
AFO               17   2.0
Pavitra           24   2.079
ehird             10   2.1
coppro            36   2.122
Elysion           8    2.125

authored proposals: count
who               num
Teh Cltohed Mna   1
Spitemaster       1
cdm014            1
Human Point Two   1
WALRUS            1
Proposal 5286     1
fds               1
The Monster       1
<none>            3
tusho             3
Greyknight        4
Peekee            4
avpx              8
Goddess Eris      8
Elysion           8
ehird             10
Sgeo              12
Taral             14
OscarMeyr         15
Levi              15
woggle            17
AFO               17
pikhq             18
Yally             20
Bayes             20
ihope             20
Tiger             22
Pavitra           24
Quazie            36
coppro            36
BobTHJ            37
Wooble            45
ais523            73
root              76
Goethe            100
comex             114
Zefram            185
Murphy            410

Only proposals since 4847 and CFJs since ~1225 count; older players,
though, obviously have an advantage in the counts.  Averages exclude
persons with less than 5 data points.

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