On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Geoffrey Spear<geoffsp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I personally believe...

I appeal based on the following:

R1727 points out that the game was not called Agora until much later,
which goes against the "Agora began on June 30th, 1993" argument.

R104 does cause Michael to be the first speaker, but that does not
mean that the game began when it first had a speaker. The game could
have existed without a speaker, and without rules for that matter,
until Michael proposed and unanimously (because it was merely adopted
them) adopted the "initial" ruleset on June 30th, 1993.

R2158 states "A judge SHOULD NOT assign an inappropriate judgement to
any judicial question. A judgement is valid and/or appropriate only as
defined by the rules," which personal beliefs on when the world began
are not defined by the rules.

Additionally, CFJ 1871's conclusion in which Judge Zefram states "If a
judge makes an appropriate judgement but with poor reasoning, this is
an unsatisfactory situation that requires remedy."

Kyle Marek-Spartz - KDØGTK

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