2009/6/9 Ed Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com>:
> Tiger wrote:
>> Okay, so I've run into a problem. The report published on 19 May has
>> self-ratified. Some monthly duties for May were performed in the time
>> between 1 and 17 May, earned notes for their performers at that time
>> (incorrectly). So Herald Gravity, Notary ais523 and Rulekeepor comex
>> have notes for their monthly reports already, through ratification,
>> but haven't actually been awarded them since it didn't happen when I
>> first said it did. So they'll get notes twice. Any suggestion on how
>> to solve this (including, but not limited to, making sure I get what I
>> deserve and making sure notes aren't given away twice)?
> Submit a proposal enacting corrections.
> Publish another report reflecting what note holdings would be if you
> hadn't made these mistakes, dodging Rule 2143 with a disclaimer along
> the lines of "the accuracy of this report may depend on having it
> self-ratify", then see if everyone lets it self-ratify (I've done this
> in the past).  Or resign the office, then deputise for it to publish a
> corrective report (this may dodge R2143 depending on how R2160's "as if
> e held [the] office" is interpreted, though I suspect not).  Or just
> resign the office, having acknowledged these mistakes, and let your
> successor decide whether to do anything about it (I did this with
> Insulator and the error has yet to be reversed).
This turned out to not be a problem since it never ratified. But
thanks for the tips.


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