Pavitra wrote:

> Aaron Goldfein wrote:
>> I CFJ on the following sentence. When a judge with judicial rank 0 has
>> eir judgement overruled on appeal, then it is decreased by 1 and e
>> CANNOT increase it for 30 days afterward.
>> Evidence:
>> Rule 2226
>>       When a judgement is overruled on appeal, if the prior judge's
>>       rank is higher than 0, then it is decreased by 1, and e CANNOT
>>       increase it for 30 days afterward (the rest of this rule
>>       notwithstanding), unless eir new rank is 0, in which case e CAN
>>       increase it to 1 at any time with 3 support.
>> Arguments:
>> The issue is with the wording of the rule in question. That is, does
>> the text "the rest of this rule notwithstanding" cause "unless eir new
>> rank is 0, in which case e CAN increase it to 1 at any time with 3
>> support" to be withstanding?
>> -Yally
> I believe you've found a genuine, unambiguous, bug.
> I also think "unless" constitutes a claim of precedence. Do we have
> rules or precedents about what happens when two contradictory clauses in
> the same Rule each claim precedence over the other?

Rule 2240, but things like "unless" have generally been interpreted
as *avoiding* conflict (rather than resolving it when it occurs)
because the first clause declines to apply under the circumstances.

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