comex wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Sean Hunt<> wrote:
>> Sean Hunt wrote:
>>> If a member, I leave the LPRS.
>>> -coppro
>> I deposit 4 WRVs. I buy a Digit Ranch.
>> -coppro
> I'm treating this as failing to deposit anything in the IBA (because
> coppro is a party to the PBA, not to mention the LRPS has its own
> definition of "deposit") or create an Offer (IBA defines "intend to
> buy" but not "buy", which would imply that coppro was immediately
> gaining a Digit Ranch, and could be considered a synonym for
> "withdraw").
> coppro, was your intent to create an IBA offer or do something else?

I am not a member of the PBA, and the LPRS no longer exists.

The buying of a Digit Ranch is AAA, not IBA.


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