BobTHJ wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 06:46, Geoffrey Spear <> wrote:
>> I submit the following AI-2 proposal, "No Rest Multiplication":
>> {{
>> In Rule 2262, replace:
>>       * Stool Pigeon     - Indicate a player who has not been
>>                            indicated for this card within the last 72
>>                            hours. A Rest is created in that player's
>>                            possession.
>> with:
>>       * Stool Pigeon     - Indicate a first-class player who has not been
>>                            indicated for this card within the last 72
>>                            hours. A Rest is created in that player's
>>                            possession.
>> }}
> This was in the rule originally, not sure when it got edited out
> (perhaps it was done so intentionally as a pre-cursor to ais523's
> solitude scam?).

*looks*  Proposal 6431 (coppro), August 18.

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