No NoV because BobTHJ's dealing with a new kid right now, but CFJ 2684
still hasn't had an apology submitted yet.

Related:  I've fixed the CotC DB to indicate which sentences were
assigned along with (or occasionally after) GUILTY, except for 2674
where woggle recused emself before re-sentencing.  This also turned
up the question of 2107, where woggle did not explicitly assign a
sentence, arguing that re-judging GUILTY caused Wooble's original
sentence to come back into effect; upon a careful reading of R1504,
I think that e's right, and that we've otherwise been botching this
for over two years (the paragraph defining the question on sentencing
hasn't been touched since it was added in /10).  I'll probably propose
a retcon later this week unless someone comes up with a counterargument.

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