On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 13:45, comex <com...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ===============================================================================
> Industrial Bank & Agora Report
> Date of this report: 19 October 2009
> President of the IBA: comex
> ===============================================================================
> Current Holdings:
> Nickname                     zm
> ---------------------------------
> BobTHJ                       649

CoE: I should have 659zm (You charged me 50zm for a Stool Pigeon
withdraw in your history even though the rate is only 40zm)

> *coppro                      349

CoE: coppro should have 835zm (The Gov. Ball deposit that was already
CoEd, which adjusted eir subsequent deposits downward by 4zm)

> *Taral                       868

CoE: Taral has 468zm (e was able to withdaw 6 WRV)

> *Walker                      505

CoE: Walker has 840zm (e already CoEd, just doing it here again to
keep everything in one place).

> ===============================================================================
> Current Rates:
> asset           rate (zm)    # in bank
> -------------------------------------
> -- Cards (Government)
> Kill Bill       110           7
> Lobbyist        110           4
> No Confidence   55            4

CoE: Should be 8, 3, and 3 (Walker's deposit/withdraw)


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