G. wrote:

> But these sort of CANNOTs have been overridden by proposals in the past
> without blinking an eye!  When we install an officer by Proposal, or
> reset currencies or points directly, that's something we also generally 
> CANNOT do, but we've taken it to work, even in a power-1 proposal...


Unlike Rule 2186's explicit attempt at prohibition, these examples are
implicitly prohibited by Rule 2125:

      c) The rules explicitly state that it CAN be performed while
         certain conditions are satisfied.  Such an action CANNOT be
         performed except as allowed by the rules.  In particular, if
         the action in question is publishing a type of document, then
         a public message is not that type of document (even if it is
         labeled as such) except as allowed by the rules.

      e) It would, as part of its effect, modify information for which
         some player is required to be a recordkeepor.  Such an action
         CANNOT modify that information except as allowed by the

but in the case of an adopted proposal, "except as allowed by the rules"
is triggered by Rule 106:

      If the option selected by Agora on this decision is ADOPTED,
      then the proposal is adopted, and unless other rules prevent it
      from taking effect, its power is set to the minimum of four and
      its adoption index, and then it takes effect.

The judge should also consider whether Rule 2188 implicitly re-defines
"awarding a win" along the lines of "not attempting to cause those
players to win directly, but merely attempting to trigger this rule".

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