ais523 wrote:

> --- On Tue, 24/8/10, Ed Murphy <> wrote:
>> OIC.
>> Proposal:  Mother says not to run on the concrete
>> (AI = 3, II = 1, co-author = omd, distributable via fee)
>> Amend Rule 106 (Adopting Proposals) by replacing this
>> text:
>>       If the Rules do not otherwise permit at least one current active
>>       player to distribute a Proposal, then any player may do so
>>       Without 3 Objections.
>> with this text:
>>       If there is a Proposal in the Pool that it would otherwise be
>>       IMPOSSIBLE for any active player to distribute, then any player
>>       CAN distribute that Proposal Without 3 Objections.
> Dangerous; the rule currently exists as a safety valve, and it's less of a 
> safety valve in the new version should the pool ever be broken.
> A more sensible fix would be to make it without-1-objection, and to make it 
> illegal to do so if there would be a better way to make the proposal work (in 
> some more defined sense than just "better").

How about "a Proposal that has not been distributed and would otherwise
be IMPOSSIBLE" etc.?

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