On Thu, 2010-08-26 at 23:41 -0700, Ed Murphy wrote:
> ========================================================================
> Judge G.'s Arguments:
> The various ribbon colors are defined fairly indirectly.  That is,
> in R2199, ribbons are defined in general, and the existence of specific
> colors is inferred through clauses like "...earns a red ribbon."  While
> the (+W) clause vanished from the ruleset, this clause remained through
> all of R2199/11 through R2199/16: "(except for White Ribbons, which can
> be awarded at any time within a month after they are earned)," which was
> sufficient, by this indirect definitional standard, to leave White
> Ribbons continuously defined and existent (though temporarily unearnable).
> ========================================================================

Hmm, does this mean I still have my White Ribbon?


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