I wrote:

> If a second decision on Proposal 6796 was initiated, then its outcome
> is REJECTED with the following details:
> 6796  O1  2.0  coppro      The Robot
>   ais523   2A
>   G.       7P
>   Keba     5A
>   Murphy   2A
>   omd     10P
>   Wooble   5A
>   F/A     0/14
>   VI/AI   0/2
>   quorum  6/6

Technically, this should also be recomputed per CFJ 2852, but

  (a) it may not have existed anyway

  (b) it fails no matter how many votes each player cast (none of these
      players had more than 1 Rest when they voted, so they all counted
      toward quorum, and none of them cast any votes FOR)

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