On Mon, 2011-01-24 at 21:18 -0800, John Smith wrote:
> In the interest of maintaining everyone's right to resolve matters of
> controversy,
> If and only if no player is currently Grand Vizier,
> {I register myself as a player.
> I flip my posture to Sitting.
> I intend, with notice, to act as Justiciar to accept every CfJ that
> has been submitted to the Justiciar and not yet accepted.
> }
> (I'm not sure whether I would be second or third on the List of
> Succession, but that shouldn't matter.  Also, consider my Citizenship
> temporary if it exists at all.)

I was wondering if someone who had never been a player might turn up in
order to help combat the scam. For some reason, I forgot there was a
non-player watching.

And I was indeed wondering if the attempted mass deregistration violated
R101 (how can you resolve a matter of controversy in a remotely fair
manner when there's a dictatorship?).


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