On Fri, 2011-06-03 at 22:10 -0700, Sean Hunt wrote:
> On 06/03/11 22:01, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
> > Is it infinitely divisible? If not, how many units are there? Is the
> > total quantity fixed, or is the ratio of coins to players fixed? If the
> > latter, what happens if someone deregisters with fewer than N coins?
> >
> Not infinitely divisible; not sure about quantity of coins. Not yet sure 
> how to handle players coming in and out - thoughts?

Two thoughts occur to me: the size of the economy could simply not scale
with the number of players; or coins could have 'backers' and only be
worth something if the backer is a player. (Maybe the Speaker's coins
could be worth double, or something.)

The first option is probably mostly okay considering how little the
playerbase size tends to change over time, but on the other hand there
are few enough players that even two or three people joining or leaving
could have a noticeable effect on the economy. On the gripping hand, it
wouldn't be devastating, and there's likely to be much larger sources of
noise than that in any economy tied to a nomic.

The second option would probably be more work than it's worth for the

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