Background: Currently, one can pay two FINE and a Spending Action with
the same Points.

Proposal: Payment (AI = 2)
Create a new rule titled "Payment" with Power 2 and the following text:

    To "pay" a unit of an asset is to destroy that unit while
    designating exactly one purpose (such as satisfying an
    rule-defined obligation or obtaining permission to perform a
    rule-defined action) satisfied by that destruction.

    To "discard" a unit of an asset is to transfer that unit to the
    Lost and Found while designating exactly one purpose satisfied by
    that transfer.

    If more than one purpose is designated by the payer (or discarder),
    then the destruction (or transfer) is not a payment (or discard).
    Each instance of an obligation or payment-requiring action counts
    as a separate purpose, even if the obligations or actions are
    substantially identical.

Amend rule 2349 (Spending Points) by replacing the first paragraph with:

    Where the Rules state that a player CAN perform an action 'as a
    Spending Action', this means that the player CAN perform this
    action by paying a number of Points in eir possession equal
    to the cost of that action.

Amend rule 1504 (Criminal Cases) by replacing:

        When in effect, the ninny SHALL, as soon as
    possible, either destroy this amount of eir asset or transfer
    it to the Lost and Found Department. The ninny is only obliged
    to perform one destruction or transfer per case, even if
    sentences of this type are assigned more than once or go into
    effect more than once.

        When in effect, the ninny SHALL, as soon as
    possible, either pay or discard this amount of eir asset. The ninny
    is only obliged to perform one payment or discard per case, even if
    sentences of this type are assigned more than once or go into effect
    more than once.


- woggle

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