woggle wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 14:46, Ed Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com> wrote:
>> Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=3072a
>> ============================  Appeal 3072a  ============================
>> Panelist:                               woggle
>> Decision:                               REMAND
>> Panelist:                               Yally
>> Decision:                               OVERRULE/NOT GUILTY
>> Panelist:                               Tanner L. Swett
>> Decision:                               OVERRULE/NOT GUILTY
>> ========================================================================
> I CFJ: CFJ 3072a has been judged.
> Arguments: OVERRULE/NOT GUILTY doesn't specify prejudice and therefore
> is not a valid judgment in this case. Therefore they are not "such
> published opinions" as required by R2341 to cause the panel to act:
>           As soon as possible after a judicial panel is assigned to a
>      case, each member of the panel SHALL publish an opinion
>      indicating a _valid judgement_ to assign to the case -- only the
>      _last such published opinion_ for each member is used to determine
>      the outcome.
> (emphasis added)

There used to be a rule to the effect that AFFIRM and REMAND implicitly
defaulted to without-prejudice, while REMIT and OVERRULE implicitly
defaulted to with-prejudice.  Looks like I missed its repeal (as did the
other panelists).

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