On 1/18/12, Pavitra <celestialcognit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/18/2012 04:14 PM, 441344 wrote:
>> *Pavrita
> Probably effective anyway.
Oops, sorry about that.
>>   Golem by announcement, specifying it's Alarm.
> its Alarm.
Thanks for the correction.
>> Decreasing the Alarm
>> of a Clock Golem is
>>   secured.
> Can I increase the Alarm of someone else's Clock Golem, since it's not
> secured?
No, due to
>Rule 2125/7 (Power=3)
>Regulation Regulations
>      A regulated action is an action satisfying any of the following:
>      e) It would, as part of its effect, modify information for which
>         some player is required to be a recordkeepor.  Such an action
>         CANNOT modify that information except as allowed by the
>         rules.

>> The Golemkeepor's
>> report includes the
>>   Alarm of every Clock Golem and the text, author, and owner of every
>> promise owned by a
>>   Clock Golem.
> I see what you're trying to get at here -- it would be convenient to
> have the information all in one place like that -- but I'm not sure that
> such heavy duplication of information is the best solution.

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