ais523 wrote:

On Tue, 2012-06-19 at 12:20 -0700, Ed Murphy wrote:
Granted on "whether the case existed", but I don't follow how it would
have existed and been assigned to someone else (especially FKA441344,
who initiated it).

You purported to assign it to FKA441344, so it rather depends on whether
the platonisation on judge assignment allows or forbids that, which I'm
looking up as I write this.

Ah, and found it in rule 1504. (Rule 1868 contradicts it, but
deliberately defers to other power-2 rules in the matter, so rule 1504
binds). Seems that assigning to the initiator fails, but it's far from
obvious that that's the case.

Even if that wasn't so, my preface "if I haven't already" probably would
have rendered the assignments to FKA441344 ineffective.

Proto:  Refactor non-self-judgement
(AI = 2, co-author = ais523)

Amend Rule 1868 (Judge Assignment Generally) by replacing this text:

      second-class players are always unqualified to judge.

with this text:

      the initiator of a case is always unqualified to judge it, and
      second-class players are always unqualified to judge.

Amend Rule 591 (Inquiry Cases) by replacing this text:

      The initiator is unqualified to be assigned as judge of the
      case, and in the initiating announcement e CAN disqualify one
      person from assignment as judge of the case.

with this text:

      In the initiating announcement, the initiator CAN disqualify one
      person from assignment as judge of the case.

Amend Rule 1504 (Criminal Cases) by replacing this text:

      The initiator and each member of the Accused's basis are
      unqualified to be assigned as judge of the case.

with this text:

      Each member of the Accused's basis (as of the time of the
      action/inaction in question) is unqualified to be assigned as
      judge of the case.

Proto:  Foundation
(AI = 3)

Amend Rule 2150 (Personhood) by appending this text:

      The basis of a second-class person is the empty set, unless
      other rules specify a different basis.

[Currently, this covers Agora Nomic.]

Amend Rule 2326 (The President) by appending this text:

      The basis of the President is the singleton set consisting of
      the Speaker.

Amend Rule 2328 (Public Agreements) by appending this text:

      The basis of an agreement is the set of players agreeing to it.

Amend Rule 2360 (Golems) by appending this text:

      The basis of a Golem is the singleton set consisting of its owner.

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