On Fri, 28 Sep 2012, Sean Hunt wrote:
> I thought quite closely about the Prerogative of Prejudice. I wanted
> something cool and powerful, but not entirely absurd. My rationale is
> that Prejudice is not truly a just punishment, and should not be
> considered a judicial resolution to controversy per R101.

I'm reading Prejudice through a few times and may have some comments; but 
I agree, I'm not so concerned about criminal mechanics - even "unfair" 
ones if they're basically playable - as I would be about R101 (inquiry) 
cases.  So that's all good.

> So if people really don't want these changes to happen, I won't press
> them, but I think that in the long run they'll be good for Agora.

Wholly agree with removing cruft and scrapping half-systems that aren't
working right now.  And I agree the scam has given you the prerogative 
to decide on the next framework.  And that it's worth trying a shift in 
tradition, such that scam-winning players shouldn't feel guilty about 
flexing their muscles a bit.  So other than pointing out little bugs if 
I spot them I think on reflection it's more than fair, and very possibly 
for the good of the game, to wholly defer to you in setting tone/flavor/
mechanics, including any Imperial mechanics.

Carry on, Sire.


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